Terms & Conditions
Cancellation (before delivery)In store
Once an order is placed in store in cannot usually be cancelled. If you choose to cancel your order & at TR Hayes discretion a cancellation is agreed this may result in the loss of your deposit or a minimum of 25% of the order value. If you buy in store the terms & conditions differ from online ones as shown below.
Returns / cancellation (after delivery)
We want you to be absolutely satisfied with your purchase. Please inspect the goods and advise us of any damage or shortages within 3 days of delivery. We will not be obliged to take back or refund any goods where you have made errors in selection.
PLEASE NOTE – Orders for the following items cannot be cancelled: items which have been made to order, are bespoke or are special orders, mattresses, duvets and bedding if unpacked (see section below).
Faulty items
If anything you order from us fails prematurely due to either defective workmanship or materials we will happily offer you a repair, replacement or full or partial refund. Please contact us to discuss any problems you have.
Website and telephone orders
For website and telephone orders the Consumer Contracts Regulations allow you a cooling off period of 14 days after delivery.
You can cancel* your order or return an item from the time you place the order up to and including the fourteenth day after the day of delivery of the item.
*PLEASE NOTE – Orders for the following items cannot be cancelled: items which have been made to order, are bespoke or are special orders, mattresses, duvets and bedding if unpacked (see section below).
If you are returning an item you should take care of the item as we may not be able to give you a full refund if the value of the item is reduced as a result of your actions. The item must be returned at your own cost, and within the 14 day period.
If you are returning goods that have been paid for by credit or debit card, the refund will be made directly to your card. Your statutory rights remain unaffected by this policy.
Items which have been made to order, are bespoke or are special orders
The Consumer Contract Regulations do not apply for these items.
Please either call 01225 465757 or e-mail sales@trhayes.co.uk to discuss this further
Mattresses, pillows & duvets
For hygiene reasons, we are unable to have back these items if they are removed from their original packaging, unless they are defective.
Cancellation by T.R Hayes
In the unlikely event that we have to cancel your order, we will contact you as quickly as possible and refund your payment.
Possible reasons for this will be caused by an error in description, pricing or availability.
Upon receipt of your goods at our warehouse, we will be in touch to arrange a convenient delivery slot.
The day before your delivery, we will contact you to give you an estimated time slot for delivery.
If it is helpful, our delivery team can also contact you 30 minutes before they are due to arrive.
Quoted delivery time slots are estimations and we cannot be held liable to costs incurred by you due to any delays.
Local deliveries are made by our own vans with a 2 man team and taken to the room of your choice, unpacked and the packaging removed.
Deliveries outside of our usual area, will be made by a reputable courier company (where necessary, it will still be a 2 man team) and will be taken into the room of your choice.
Some bulkier items such as wardrobes and bedframes are supplied dis-assembled for ease of access.
We do offer a chargeable assembly service (in certain areas) if home assembly is required.
Delivery times
The approximate delivery date is our best estimate of how long it will take the goods to arrive. This date is an approximate date only and is not guaranteed. We cannot be held responsible for manufacturer delays. If you are ordering goods, but do not require delivery until after a certain date (for example if you are on holiday or decorating etc.), please advise us so we can schedule delivery from the factory accordingly.
It is your responsibility to ensure there is adequate and safe access for delivery, especially of bulky items.
Also, please advise us if there are any limitations of van size in getting to your property from the main road.
We can store goods for 4 weeks after they arrive in our warehouse. If you require storage for any longer than this, payment will be required in full and a weekly storage charge will apply.
Delivery restrictions
The following areas are outside our normal delivery routes: Scottish Highlands, Scottish Islands, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Isle of Wight, Isles of Scilly, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. We regret we cannot offer delivery to these areas.